Municipal Law

Municipal law covers all the actions posed by a municipality as well as all its bylaws and its resolutions.

For example, in regards to zoning, licensing, municipal law offenses, refusal to recognize a right, expropriation, property assessment, taxpayer claim, etc. The intervention of our attorneys will allow you to assert your rights.

Offenses Against Municipal By-Laws

A municipality sent you a notice of a committed offense? However, you benefit from a right? Or are you convinced that there is no committed offense? Our attorneys are there to represent you.
Our attorneys are here to represent you.


Does a municipality want to expropriate you in whole or in part? The expropriation is toward your business, your income building, your house or your land? The law requires the municipality to pay you a total and complete indemnity, often including the expenses of the professionals involved (e.g. evaluator, lawyer) to assert your rights. The assistance of our attorneys may be very profitable for you.

Zoning, Development, Permits, Property Assessment

You are a real estate developer and you want to develop your property? You want to obtain from the municipality a zoning change, a minor derogation, a permit of occupation, etc.? Do you disagree with the property assessment of your property by the municipality? Do you disagree with a municipality's decision in regards to an application for a permit? Our attorneys are the resource that you need.

We can help you

We have more than 25 years of collection experience.

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